Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching is a facilitative one-to-one, mutually designed relationship between a professional coach and a key contributor who has a powerful position in the organization. The coaching is contracted for the benefit of a client who is accountable for highly complex decisions with wide scope of impact on the organization and industry as a whole. The focus of the coaching is usually focused on organizational performance or development, but it may also serve a personal component as well

The essence of executive coaching is helping leaders get unstuck from their dilemmas and assisting them to transfer their learning into results for the organization. At AMPLFY coaching is a process that fosters self-awareness and that results in the motivation to change, as well as the guidance needed if change is to take place in ways that meet organizational needs

Succesion Planning

The development of “high potentials” to effectively take over the current leadership when their time comes to exit their positions is key to the continued success of any business. This type of leadership development usually requires the extensive transfer of an individual between departments. In many multinationals, it usually requires international transfer and experience to build a future leader. This process if handled badly can cause must disruption within a company. The smooth transition of leadership is something that takes sensitivity and skill and therefore the role of coaching in such a difficult period is now recognized as an essential component to its success.

Succession planning requires a sharp focus on organization’s future and vision, in order to align leadership development with the future the firm aspires to create. Thus successive leadership development is based not only on knowledge and history but also on a dream. For such a plan to be successful, a screening of future leadership should be based not only on “what we know and have” but also on “what we aspire to become ». AMPLFY consultants have significant experience of companies in moments of transition and this knowledge will allow us to accompany your company through this potentially turbulent period.

Succession involves members of the current leadership representing the vision and HR executives having to translate it all into a program. We at AMPLFY recognize that the new leader will need to be accompanied into the role and our experience in change management means we know exactly how to manage the delicate balance of leadership coaching while keeping a view on the need for maintaining results.

Group/Team Coaching

Group coaching clients benefit from the peer learning with others, commonly referred to as the collective wisdom of the group. This peer learning is often as important as the interaction with the coach. Many clients find the process “less on the spot”, giving them more time to reflect and integrate their insights. Our method at AMPLFY is to step back and create a strong process framework for the coaching to emerge from.

Organizations may find benefit due to the scalable nature of the process, opening up communication between silos or group members in different parts of the organization. Over time these relationships create a valuable network across an organization. Group coaching can also be used as a training follow-on, supporting learners to with the transfer and application of their learning, creating an on-going accountability structure. Group coaching is an on-going conversation, which supports change over time.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict coaching is a set of skills and strategies used to support peoples’ ability to engage in, manage, or productively resolve conflict. In this process, the conflict coach works one-on-one with a client experiencing conflict with another person. Conflict coaching enables the client to talk about the conflict with a neutral third party (the conflict coach), consider options for managing the conflict, and design an approach to discuss the conflict with the other person. Conflict coaching can be used as a stand-alone process, or can be practiced with each of the parties in separate meetings during mediation.

Conflict coaching can be useful in a variety of circumstances, including conflicts in the workplace, divorce and post-decree situations, community disputes, family disagreements, or business conflicts In such situations, the conflict coach can serve as a confidential listener, help the client to see the situation from all perspectives, support them in considering options, and help them to come up with a plan of action to deal with the conflict. In conflict coaching, the client, not the conflict coach, is responsible for the outcome. The conflict coach uses process skills to help the client develop more clarity about the situation, enabling them to effectively and confidently make high-quality decisions to manage the conflict.

Conflict coaching can be a powerful tool to help manage conflict. The conflict coach helps the client think through multiple aspects of a conflict and consider options to improve the situation. The conflict coach serves an important role by asking questions, providing feedback, offering insights, and especially by active listening. Conflict coaching can be useful at any stage of a conflict, both formally and informally and should be considered when there is an ongoing working relationship or need to communicate

Family Business Coaching

In family businesses, a successful approach for family members combines developmental and performance coaching and emphasizes the family values. This approach tackles the need to build leadership in future generations by helping individuals develop their own unique abilities and skills in the context of the family business. It also incorporates strategic planning around succession and the business, building in specific areas of accountability, expectations and metrics that will guide future leaders in ways that are specific to the family’s objectives, mission, vision and relationship to the broader community.

Perhaps most significantly, family business coaching can help address challenges that show up at the intersection of family and business and yet cannot otherwise be easily managed through traditional education, advisers’ input, direct family feedback or executive mandate. More specifically, family businesses use coaching to:

    • Identify opportunities for next-generation leaders to develop and use their leadership and management skills within the context of their unique family and business.

Help the current leaders manage a smooth transition to the next generation and truly let go of running the business.

  • Help family members in management positions keep up with rapid growth and development in the business as these changes occur.
  • Supplement individual professional development planning specific to identified needs, goals and future vision for both the business and the family.
  • Aid in thinking through career development and transition strategies.
  • Assist sibling and leadership teams in creating effective alignment and decision-making pathways.


Workshop/Program Design

We provide customised training for organisations that have groups of people who want to be trained together. We conduct succinct one-day courses and in-depth multi-day courses and we design customised courses that meet our clients’ needs. Whether your sales people need new techniques, your customer service staff need better ways to deal with angry clients, your managers need to become better negotiators, or there is too much internal conflict among employees we can build a course to meet your needs.

AMPLFY have designed and delivered customised workshops for many organisations worldwide in both the public and private sectors. We offer our clients:

  • Design expertise featuring a personalised client-oriented needs assessment
  • Innovative adult-education teaching methods, including case studies, group exercises, group discussions, instructor presentations and computer simulations
  • Lasting partnerships that focus on long-term learning objectives
  • Facilitators with experience and expertise in a wide range of industries
  • Coaches and videotaping to provide individual feedback to participants
  • Location flexibility – the training can be held at any location worldwide

We work closely with our clients to identify their learning objectives before designing the workshop and consult with them to ensure on-going, customised support after a workshop concludes.

Cross Cultural Management

Cross cultural management involves managing work teams in ways that considers the differences in cultures, practices and preferences of consumers in a global or international business context. Many businesses have to learn to modify or adapt their approaches in order to compete on a level in fields no longer bound by physical geography with online interactions more common in business and other situations.

While international business dealings go back hundreds of years, intercultural interactions have increased in importance with more people having access to wider markets with new technology. Not only does wireless technology shrink the world and help with faster interactions across the seas, but travel has also become faster and easier, so many people must know how to interact in different cultural contexts

Many professions other than business also need to include cross cultural management as part of their training or curricula. For instance, academics who plan to work in different cultural situations whether at home or abroad must have effective communication skills to prevent misunderstandings and remain respectful to those with whom they hope to work. Communication holds value in any profession, so learning to communicate across various cultural contexts and situations has become essential in any field.

At AMPLFY we have both a multicultural and multilingual team with experience of working in many countries and with countless nationalities. As such we feel we are ideally situated to help companies or leaders deal with the sensitive approach necessary to succeed in the global market.

Relationships are key to your success. The Interactifs Discipline© is the key to successful relationships.

On Interactifs

Interactifs is a training and coaching company that specialises in the development of social intelligence.
We have created, patented and use a methodology called the Interactifs Discipline©. It contains a unique view of how interpersonal relationships should work, an effective training approach (mix of training and coaching) and transcultural values.
Our pride is to be recognised as a go-to expert on social intelligence and to be able to serve our clients in all the major economies and languages in the world.

Our definition of social intelligence

Social intelligence is the sum, the mix, the alliance of emotional intelligence and situational intelligence.

According to us:

  • Emotional intelligence is one’s capacity to make oneself heard, to listen properly, to be understood, to be impactful, influent, empathetic, all of this with respect.
  • Situational intelligence is one’s capacity to analyse a situation, to elaborate a strategy, to define ambitious objectives, to prepare arguments, to build a narrative, all of this with discernment.

Our promise

Interactifs’ original and proprietary approach (the Interactifs Discipline©) equips people in organisations of all sizes and at all levels (from the board down) with a simple set of verbal behaviours and reflexes which enable them, in all of their meetings and conversations, both inside and outside the company, to increase:

  • the authority they convey
  • the impact they make
  • the results they produce
  • the respect they earn
  • the respect they show
  • the authenticity they show
  • the qualityof their relationships
  • the enjoyment they derive

To achieve this the Interactifs Discipline© reconciles:

  • emotions with rationality
  • rigour with freedom,
  • authority with kindness,
  • respect with self-respect.